
With the newly developed IBH Link IoT gateway and the pre-installed  TeamViewer software, it is possible to access almost all PLC systems anywhere and anytime

The IBH Link IoT module, together with TeamViewer, enables easy access to controls and their programming. It is a compact device for top-hat rail mounting with four Ethernet ports and a 24V power supply. With the newly developed IBH Link IoT gateway and the pre-installed TeamViewer software, it is possible to access almost all PLC systems anywhere and anytime.
Complex modem solutions or the use of a PC on site are a thing of the past

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IBH Link IoT: Startup operations


The IBH Link IoT requires a 12 – 36V DC power supply. Higher voltages may destroy the device. Pay attention to polarity.

Power supply: 24VDC / 0,2A

Configuration of the IP addresses

The administration can be made with a recent web browser over the Ethernet port 1 by using the host name http://ibhlink-iot_<serial number> (f.i. http://ibhlink-iot_000161)

or over the ports 2-4 by entering the default IP Address

On the PC the IBHNet-Iot driver is required. The Driver is available free of charge.

Default IP Address configuration:

Management levelPort 1Host name: ibhlink-iot_<serial number>
Control levelPort 2 – 4192.168.1.14

Default Login:




Network: Management Level

Network configuration for Port 1 (Management level respectively Supervision Level):

Network: Control Level

Network configuration for Port 2 – 4 (Control Level respectively Machine Level):

Assigment Token

After logging into the TeamViewer IoT Management Console the Assignment Token can be copied:

IBH Net IoT Tray

The required IBH Link IoT driver is available free of charge on our homepage: IBH Link IoT Driver


With the menu item Agents the TeamViewer connections to the IBH Link IoT can be created:

The display name can be freely chosen. The TeamViewer ID to be used for each device can be seen in the web interface:

Connection setup

Via the IBH Link IoT Tray the connection can now be established: