GT-221F – Remote I/O

Digital Output, 16 Points, Sink(Negative), 24VDC, 0.3A, 20P Connector

Main features

– Various type of protocols (MODBUS TCP , EtherNet IP , PROFINET , EtherCAT , CC-Link IE , CC-Link IE Field Basic , DeviceNet , PROFIBUS , MODBUS RS485, CC-Link , CanOpen , BACnet ,MODBUS RTU)

– More than 90 different I/Os (Universal type of Digital Input module, 32 points slice I/O module, ERNI type connector input/output module)

– Space-saving, compact size & slice type for the module expansion

– Easy and convenient working environment for the operator when wiring and install



User Manual

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GT-221F Output Specification
Output per module16 Points Sink type
Indicators16 Green output state
Output Voltage RangeNominal 24Vdc, Min. 15Vdc ~ Max. 32Vdc
ON-state voltage dropMax. 0.3Vdc @ 25℃ / 0.5Vdc@ 70℃
ON-State Min. Current1mA per channel
OFF-State Leakage currentMax. 30uA
Output Signal DelayOFF to ON : 0.5ms maximum
ON to OFF : 0.5ms maximum
Output Current RatingMax. 0.3A per channel / Max. 4.8A per unit
ProtectionOver Current limit: Min. 3.5A@ 25℃ per each channels
Thermal Shutdown : Min 3A@ 25℃ per each channels
Short circuit protection
COMMON Type16 points / 2 COM (Single Common)
General Specification
Power Dissipation50mA maximum @ 5.0Vdc
IsolationI/O to Logic : Photocoupler isolation
Field PowerSupply voltage : 24Vdc nominal
Voltage range : 15~32Vdc
Power dissipation: 40mA @32Vdc
Wiring20Pin Connector Type
Module Size12mm x 99mm x 70mm
Pin No.Description
0Output Channel 0
1Output Channel 1
2Output Channel 2
3Output Channel 3
4Output Channel 4
5Output Channel 5
6Output Channel 6
7Output Channel 7
8Output Channel 8
9Output Channel 9
10Output Channel 10
11Output Channel 11
12Output Channel 12
13Output Channel 13
14Output Channel 14
15Output Channel 15
16Common (Field Power 0V)
17Common (Field Power 0V)
18Common (Field Power 24V)
19Common (Field Power 24V)